What Is Peer Support?

You know that feeling when you're going through a tough experience and you find someone who's experiencing the same thing? And it's so relieving when you can talk to someone who really understands, especially when they've learned a thing or two on how to handle it. That’s what peer support is!

​Certified peer support specialists provide practical, relatable mentorship and guidance to their clients through the lived experience of their own journey. Since peer supporters have overcome the same obstacles that their clients are going through, this creates a very unique safe space. For those who’ve felt like they aren’t understood, finding a peer supporter who “gets it” makes a huge difference.
My clients appreciate having someone who they can come to with the “uncomfortable” topics. For example, adolescents who are experiencing puberty may have questions that they don’t feel comfortable discussing with their parents or their friends. A peer supporter can help to normalize and validate their client’s experience, no matter how embarrassing or vulnerable it may feel.
Peer support is also an evidence-based practice that can work beautifully in combination with other mental health providers.  Studies have shown that people who receive peer support in addition to traditional mental health treatment are more likely to recover, and the diverse, encouraging team of peers at Mindfully works across specialties to ensure that every client gets the support they need to thrive.
How does peer support with Mindfully work?
First, think about what you need more of in your life to feel mentally stronger. Then, choose from one of our programs or we can create a personalized program to target your specific needs. From here you'll be matched with a Certified Peer Support Specialist who you can meet with weekly via our app, which also has helpful resources, the ability to join group sessions, and goal tracking to monitor your progress.
If you’re already seeing a counselor at Mindfully, you now have access to a Peer Supporter! Speak with your counselor to get connected!

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